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What people say


We would be pleased to hear feedback about our product concept, design and purchasing experience. Contact us today. Thank you.


In first place - what does God himself say about this project?


Prophecy received on 28th October 2013


I believe the Lord is saying: “Let your light shine before men, before kings and all those in authority. I am lighting beacons of revival all over the land and these lights will shine out as symbols of the revival that is surely going to sweep this land with the light and glory of My kingdom.”


Here is a taste of what people say about this initiative for Jesus:


“Specially-designed Christian Christmas lights are a great option for everyone of goodwill towards the Christian faith, and especially for believers looking for a contact point to engage with their close neighbours at Christmas time and share their faith in Jesus. In this way, it is hoped that deeper neighbour relationships can blossom and that in due time some people may come to place their faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation. What makes the Jesus Crown really stand out from the average Christmas exterior lighting decorations is its quality, size and great colours.”


"I think it's brilliant and I'm sure you'll have lots of response - well done. I'm sure lots of people have been waiting for a celebratory statement in lights over the festive season proclaiming (as you say) the real meaning of CHRISTmas."


"We felt immediately when this initiative was described to us, that it is an anointed project and of the Lord. We are fully behind it and thank God for the effort you have put in to-date. You can get any amount of lighting motifs that show reindeer and trains etc in the shops and garden centres – but your idea is unique."


"Christmas has always been a special time of year for me and for many years I have enjoyed the fun of decorating our home with lights. As a Christian I was delighted to discover the Jesus crown, which makes it possible for the first time to proclaim the real reason for the season in lights to all who pass by. On unpacking it I was especially impressed with the Crown's size and quality. Well done for making available this brilliant resource!"

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